Modular Multi-service Integrated Optical Transmission Multiplexer is a new product series of modular optical transmission equipment released by our company in adoption of modularized structure, supported with our independently developed universal software platform, and in use of high-performance processor and bus technology, etc. This series of modular optical transmission equipments can fully meet various more flexible and individualized user demands during networking, maintenance and escalation.
The Modular Multi-service Integrated Transmission Multiplexer adopts modularized structure and different interface modules (the total capacity provided is 8?E1) can be used with its 4 modular slots available based on networking requirements of different users, and different user requirements for application environment and business growth can be met through addition or replacement of interface modules. The equipment can cater to the network application of general scale.
The company will incessantly release new interface modules to keep pace with the growth of user business. As a manufacturer for networks and communications with independent intellectual properties, network products feature more advantages in security and networking flexibility.
Currently, along with the penetration of corporate business on network platform, user requirements have been ever changing at the same time. It has become the motivity and theme of user requirements for achieving continuous innovation on business supported by the latest network technologies. This series of modular transmission equipment has been recommended to adapt to this demand.
PCM Multiplexer can use TDM (Time Division Multiplexing) technology to multiple variety of service signals to E1 channels, to realize multi-service access function, more suitable for users with many types of service, the device offers a variety of service interfaces to support voice, Ethernet, RS232 etc. Machine is designed to be simple, easy to use.
16E1 OPTIMUX is a point-to-point transmission unit operating at 150 Mb/s bit rate compatible with existing plesiochronous systems. The embedded mixed multiplexer realizes transmitting 16 E1 and fast Ethernet data over optical system. 16E1 OPTIMUX provides two RS232 interfaces, one is for users purpose and the other is for network management. Alarms, performance monitor are available through the interface. The unit is featured by very compact, minimum cost and low power consumption. It is ideal for application areas such as remote transmission in point-to-point links with small capacity and LAN extension.